Friday, February 4, 2011

Observation 02/02/11

Observing from My Driveway, Northern Sarasota.
Time: 7:40 p.m.

In anticipation for the Iridium Flare, I brought my entire family out into the middle of the street to observe. Looking to the east I saw a twinkling star which I at first mistook as the flare, only to realize it was still early so that the glowing object was Jupiter.  Then, right on cue, the iridium Flare appeared right over the trees I was concerned might block the way, looking like a short line.  It was nowhere near as bright as I had anticipated, and it was only a matter of seconds before it disappeared behind a cloud and was never visible again.  This was quite a disappointment but I am eagerly awaited another opportunity to observe this type of flare.

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