Monday, March 28, 2011

March 26th, 2009 Observation

Date: March 26th, 2009 (Astronomy Night)
Time: 8-10 p.m.
Location: Clearwater, FL

Unfortunately I was not in town to go to Astronomy Night and use the telescopes, however I did manage to escape from my family for a couple of hours at night to view the skies and see what I was missing.  Although I was in Clearwater with my family, I still saw many of the same features that were discussed at Astronomy Night according to friends who attended.  Most notably was the bright Sirius located in Canis Major in the Southern Sky.  Normally when observing from my driveway the Southern Skies are blocked by trees so I can not get a great view but its great magnitude amazed me.  Also prominent in the night sky was Saturn to the East, an always fascinating observation point.  However, I would have really liked to see the planet under the magnification of a telescope so I am hoping that there is one more Observation Session while it is still high in the Eastern night sky.

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