Friday, April 29, 2011

APOD 4.5

April 29th, 2011                                                  The Antennae

This APOD was very fitting, as this phenomenon known as the Antennae takes place 60 million light-years away in the constellation Corvus, or the Crow, which just so happened to be our constellation of the week this week. The picture is resulting from the collision of two large galaxies many years ago, however the mains stars inside of each of these galaxies, known as NGC 4038 and NGC 4039 did not collide in the event.  Their molecular gas and dust mixes in the center of the collision area forming a prime location for star formation in the center of the cosmic wreckage. In this picture, many of the new forming star clusters can be seen, as well as the outstretched "arms" of the antennae that are formed by gravitational tidal forces, thus giving the phenomenon its respective name.

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