Friday, September 10, 2010

APOD 1.2

September 10, 2010. Vela Supernova Remnant.

This picture contained a mixture of milky textured blues and reds, colors not common to the atmosphere that engaged my curiosity.  This picture contains the remnants of an explosion of a star in the constellation Vela that occurred over 11,000 years ago.  The constellation Vela, The Sails, was one of four constellations that made up a giant constellation known as Argo.  This caused an expanding shock wave that is still visible by X-Rays to date.  At the center lays a bright and dense core called the pulsar which rests approximately 800 light years away.  The Vela supernova remnant is located in the Milky Way inside of an older and larger supernova remnant called the Gum Nebula.

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